
By Jamjar

And again

The almond blossom lasts for such a short time that I feel as though I want to make the most of it. This is near to the village, but when we I drove down to the valley for our hour of Catalan this morning the almond blossom there had almost finished and the dark pinky purple nectarine buds were just beginning to open.

Steve had his stitches out this morning, but he's still got to take it easy so no carrying of wood buckets for him... yet! Also, when he got the car out of the garage for me and drove it round to the doctor's, he found that the seat belt was very uncomfortable. Now why don't they take seat belts into account when positioning pacemakers! Oh dear, I think I'll have to carry on doing the driving for a little while yet.

For those who are wondering why on earth I can't get the car into or out of the garage this is our street.

p.s. I've posted for yesterday too.

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