From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

'And now the end is near......'

I got a whole week of Daz Doorstep Name That Tune Challenges right! Today's offering was another one I won't admit to knowing but it's good to get them all right this week.

I guess that got me off to a cracking start and I managed to sort a load of horrors out today. Mind you, I'd spent nearly two days trying to sort out something which wasn't even a problem. Can you imagine my face when I was sat in the front room virtually at my wit's end rebuilding a report from scratch adding one painful column at a time until finally hitting the solution? I nearly screamed the house down! I had made the fatal, basic error and had BELIEVED THE CUSTOMER! HOW STUPID AM I?!! These missing employees had all changed from Adult Social Care to Solihull Care Trust and we were all looking in the wrong place!! I must STOP SHOUTING AND OVER-USING EXCLAMATION MARKS!!!!!

I sent an email to Jillian to explain. I was very calm and said 'Well, looking on the bright side, it takes me less time to brush my hair now as I have less hair than Stuart!' (Stuart looks like an egg with glasses but is a very nice man). Oh she did laugh!

That one silly thing sorted out two things at once and with a renewed vigour, I sorted out a third issue really quickly.

Now, you may be wondering what my title means.

'And now, the end is near
And so I face the final curtain
My friend, I'll say it clear
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain
I've lived a life that's full
I traveled each and ev'ry highway
And more, much more than this, I did it my way' - Frank Sinatra

You have guessed it; I am saying 'Goodbye' BUT - it's a BIG BUT! It's just in case I get hit by a bus tomorrow. Why am I saying this? I did a mad thing earlier and purchased a LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP (AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!) of Blipfoto! Oh my God! I don't know why I did that! I am bound to be run over by a bus or trampled by a herd of cows shortly after my reckless behaviour.

I think you are all lovely and I'm telling you now, just in case...... I won't turn this into an Oscar speech...

Looks good large...

That's it! I am done waffling!

Track? Here is a classic I haven't heard for ages - Concrete and Clay

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