
By dunkyc

Willing it on

I took a day off today with the purpose of visiting a local solicitor with Hutch to sort out our wills.

It's one of those jobs that we've been putting off for ages, but - all being well - we will shortly have three children between us, so we thought it was about time we got our affairs in order just in case we prematurely shuffle off this mortal coil.

We've had a few horrible conversations about it all, but the meeting with the solicitor was a good one and we were able to get things sorted.

By a stroke of luck, I'd actually picked one of the nicest days we've had recently weather-wise, so after the meeting we headed back home and did a couple of jobs in the garden. It was fantastic to see m'boy running about and exploring our little patch - it was precisely for that kind of thing that we picked this house.

The crocuses have survived so far, so I flicked the camera onto macro and took this one. I think the colours are fantastic!

Isn't it nice when you can post something straight out of the camera without feeling the need to tinker?!!

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