The party's over

And, suddenly, the festival was finished. We had as lazy a Sunday morning as we could manage given that we both had Things To Do but we found time for a coffee and a bite to eat, only this time at the hotel, which was never going to compare well with yesterday's breakfast at the Deaf Institute.

I got home, picked up D&A, and took them for a swim before heading back to cook meatballs for Abi and a rather splendid chilli for me and Dan.

It being a Sunday, it was Electronic Ears, this evening. It was rather a shock when the station manager arrived as I was just about to do my last link, to tell me that Indigo is closing down. Tonight was my eightieth show and the routine of putting a playlist together during the week and then putting the show out on a Sunday has become part of my routine over the last eighteen months or so. I'm still not sure I've digested the news.

Anyway, I'll leave you with this photo that I took this morning at Salford Quays. Night!

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