
By fennerpearson

Two trees (again)

I rarely get properly ill. I sometimes feel a bit low and tired, then get a runny nose or a bit of a cough for a day and that's it.

But two Mondays ago, twelve days ago, I went for a run in rather cold air and ever since I've had a cough and been really tired. I think that maybe I even have a chest infection. This all makes me feel a bit a bit irritated, especially as the whether for the last few days has been *perfect* for running.

I collapsed into bed early last night, despite the fact that I wanted to stay up chatting with my friend @deanfeelhips, who's been visiting for the last few days. At least, I thought, I'll get a lie-in and sleep this thing off.

At seven-thirty, I was wide awake, which was irritating. Normally, I'm an accomplished dozer but on this occasion it wasn't happening, so I went downstairs to make coffee. The light outside was fantastic and there was a frost on the grass, so I thought I'd grab a shot of my favourite trees, this time from the window in the hall to the back door.

I took some that were zoomed, to omit the window frame and the side wall of the outhouse but actually, I like this photo best of all. I love natural materials - stone, metal and wood - so the textures on each side, framing the view, work really well for me. I also like the way that the drainpipe 'points' to the trees and I wonder if the composition would have been better if I'd closed the window slightly, creating a V?

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