Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

TMG museum

Mrs TMG is always looking for new and creative things to do with the little TMGs to keep them occupied. Most recently, she created the TMG "museum" where the little TMG's put their favorite toys on the window sills. Kind of a silly idea, but the little TMGs really enjoyed it and were proud of their work.

I chose this shot because I wanted to memorialize the museums for posterity. Note that we have four windows in the room and each has their own "exhibit." This happens to be one of the two train exhibits and here we see a crane, George and a stop sign.

I wanted to make this shot more interesting and so decided to shoot these items in silhouette. To get the desired outcome, I initially focused and metered on the trees outside the window and noted the aperture and shutter speed to properly expose the bright outside. I then set the camera to manual and dialed in those settings. Thus, the camera was exposing for the bright outside and the relatively dark items in the foreground were under-exposed and hence silhouetted.

Post processing:
Tweaked contrast and saturation in DPP

Constructive criticism always welcome

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