
By Wendywoo2

Nature is a funny thing

Sorry for my absence this week - both with comments on others shots and shots of my own. I know I continue to make excuses on here but I have had such an awful work week - too many stresses even to mention and lack of sleep this week has been one of the worst I have felt in a long time. Thank you for all your kind comments on my blip on monday and will reply to them later today and thank for the suggestions on how to calm down - they really worked. What I didn't want to do all week is emergency blip and then moan and ruin everyones day/week so decided to not come on at all.

So after such a horrendous week full of lifes stresses and worries I took myself off to the New Forest Wildlife park. Nature and wildlife is a funny thing but it really helped me to calm down and relax. The sun was shining and the birds were tweeting and the park was a buzz with wildlife basking in the sunshine.

This photo was my favourite shot of the day because this little red fox was one of two and when I went back to the area when it had nobody there it just kept jumping about and skipping along and it was hard to capture it. I know people will say its the wrong light and I chopped its ear off but I am really pleased with the shot because it wouldn't keep still and it was behind some muddy glass. As I have yet to invest in photoshop I couldn't do a lot to 'clean it up' so to speak. So this is the best I can do.

What I love about this park is it isn't particularly busy and you can get some clear shots of the some of the animals and the otters are particularly cute. Unfortunately due to the storm damage some of the animals you couldn't see today but it didn't ruin my day taking 250 shots in the space of two hours. It was lovely and quiet, especially where the wolves were kept and that meant I got some clear shot of the 5 of them too.
But these few hours spent on my own, outside in the park with the animals for company has taken the stress and cares away for a while. It made me realise that for my nature and wildlife are my stress relievers and maybe I need to make the most of this discovery to help with the stresses of the job.

It wasn't until I met up with my mum and sister later on and got talking about my week that the stressed feeling came back - this is the worse I have felt in a long time. But to smooth it a little I did try some courgette and lime cake which was very nice. It was nice to see them both despite now trying to calm down again.

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