Tutto bene

By Blackdrake


Friday - huzzah! Curry and beer have been partaken of as is ye olde Friday night tradition around these parts. Too much of the former, not enough of the latter yet!
Today's blip is of an iris, the leaves of which are said to be equitant - (of a leaf) having its base folded and partly enclosing the leaf next above it, as in an Iris.
Ta-da - visited my Mum, she was making a floral arrangement and happened to have an Iris to hand, which was fortuitous as I had nothing for this somewhat obscure word.
It was a quickly taken photo with camera on phone in bad light so I've mucked about with it a bit in an attempt to create a bit more interest! Pity it was not blooming yet but rather like the ghostlike image of the flower waiting to pop.
Hoping all you Blippers have a wonderful weekend :-)

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