Eye Dog

For those of you not from New Zealand, or more specifically a New Zealand rural background, I might have to explain what an 'Eye Dog' is, so I'll leave it to Mr Wikipedia: "The New Zealand heading dog or New Zealand eye dog is a farm herding dog that uses its eyes and quick movements to control sheep. It was predominantly bred from the Border Collie, and therefore generally black and white, sometimes tan in colour."
Mia here is one such dog. She's one of my neighbour's 'staff' and works the farm with her Mum Elsie. She's fascinated by sticks and ball, in fact I've never seen a dog dribble a football with its nose like Mia.
With their master away for the day, I took the girls for a walk up the hill this evening to give us all a stretch. It was great to see Mia give me an example of her best working pose...

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