
My random thought today proved to be a valuable one.

For some reason while lying in bed this morning it occurred to me I probably didn't have a WOF (warrant of fitness) on my car. Yep, I haven't had one since early on this month.

Fortunately I found a garage not too far away that does them on a Saturday morning. Better still my car passed without issue :-)

While the trusty Honda underwent all the tests and checks I wandered off without any crutches for a wee blip poke. The overcast easterly day suited the scruffy commercial strip the garage is located in.

Oddly there are no supermarkets nearby yet here they are, abandoned grocery trolleys with old suitcases and a very dodgy mattress nearby.

More dodgy large

A couple of sessions on the exercycle, 2 small walks and my first bike ride around the neighbourhood. That foot of mine is doing supremely well :-)

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