Home & Away

By HeidiAndDolly


Yes, I live in the countryside....well, almost.

We came across these during our evening walk, not far at all from home. I'm not sure what kind they are - there were several dozen, all different sizes and colours. They made a lot of noise and they all seemed interested in running over to say hello. I'm not sure if it was me or Dolly they were talking to. Oooh - and the smell! But I look forward to going to see them again!

My mum always loved pigs! If she was still with us, I would take her on an outing to see them. When my mum was in the hospice all those years ago, I took her out for a drive in the countryside - the last outing she was able to go on - and we went to a place where I had seen a farm with lots of baby pigs. She really enjoyed that and we laughed a lot. Happy memories, but it makes me miss her.

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