twinned with trumpton


Hung out to Dry

Day out on the road; in the driving rain. You soon realise the waterproofs are more shower proof than waterproof...!
School run early with Tom and knew from then the gusts and persistent nature of the rain I was looking at a tough day. For about 90 mins I was out in the heavy windy conditions and even my decent wet weather gear was struggling; but trekked across town, met most deadlines.

'Sought shelter' in town for an hour or so, dried out socks, trousers, jacket and managed a sleep too. Also dropped off shopping and key.

Then back out, as the one o clock gun fired, I met my man on the Lawnmarket; then round the corner to Bank St then Stockbridge (again) and home for a shower, dry clothes and report writing.

Met former colleague who I've kinda half kept in touch with - his son and Tom were at nursery together, we did play dates sometimes. He asked about life, I told him about last year; he was aghast. Said he couldn't believe it. He was supportive and considerate and sympathetic, but ultimately it made me visit stuff I still find very hard to express and discuss. I don't want to be bitter, and it's hard not to be. I want to light and happy and outgoing, but the afternoon is all introversion, replaying conversations and decisions. Ah.....

Kids to round up at 1630; goulash for dinner; then.... Read? Just a bit deflated by seeing Raf coupled with the collapse of the weekend together we'd planned. Especially as she is distant and depressed, it would have been good to get proper time together, not snatched furtive little bits.....

Photo is the view from a stair on my first call of the day; something just struck me about the composition of it....

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