twinned with trumpton


Everybody's Talking

Wednesday; office day. Should have caught up on paper work, but actually, I ended up further behind.

After a few mornings of subtle spring colours in the sky (mauve the previous day, a pale peachy orange the day before that, and yellowy greys at the weekend), it was steely grey and uninviting. Except when out in it, it was near perfect temperature to cycle in. Charged off to Annandale St, did a Cigs blip - just the first one I found - and then up to Leith St for this; and a fleeting glimpse - just because?

Then office, testy awkward no eye contact lunch, depressing afternoon, and little contact evening. We'd agreed to think about Wednesday supper, but became clear very quickly she felt massively uncomfortable and that didn't help either of our moods; just a slight distance, unease.....

So quiet evening; bath, no supper (not really eating much this week - lot of nervous energy acting as an appetite suppressant I think I've eaten breakfast every day, but Monday excepted, I have then had either lunch or dinner, not both. I'm hardly overweight, but - you know - a pound or two off never hurts..!)

Reading a lot at the moment. And starting to engage with spring. Lists and lists of lists. Allotment is now high on the horizon; as is a list of things to complete the flat, and list of people I need to see. I'm aware this week that after years of neglecting people, I do need to reengage with friends and not just via social networking media.... So list of people to meet for lunch, to cycle with, to walk with, to telephone....

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