
By middaypyjamas

Caged Animals

I awoke this morning stiff and sore from the 15km I ran with Jonathan yesterday. It's been a little too long since I've been consistently running and I don't even know the last time I actually ran 15km, possibly at the run for the kids last year, which is what we are training for. Needless to say the aches and pains were my body protesting this over use without the proper training, however I'm still enjoying the fact that I still have the capacity for the 15km.

I started the day by dropping Jonathan off back at his place in Ardeer and then going to work. Next to the car park of my work is a soccer (or football depending on your background) field that usually has a bunch of young kids running around after a ball. Today it had a bunch of old kids (aka adults) who were walking around looking at cars. While cars are not at all my thing, just ask my 1993 Ford Laser that I've had since I got my L's, I do like the look of the classic cars. I don't like them enough to actually buy a ticket into the car show but did like them enough to take this photo through the fence from inside my parked car...which seemed appropriate. A little tinkering with the photo helped bring it out a bit and remove that 'taken through a dirty windshield' look.

- Damian

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