wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

A hole new way to start the day

Do you remember my blip from yesterday? Did I shave my legs for this? Well the consensus was yes. Now it looks like I did with my pantyhose on.
So I arrived at work this morning with a hole in my hose AND a big trail of blood from nicking myself.
I know what you are thinking Who gave her a sharp object to begin with?

AND I forgot it was jeans day. Forgot! Go figure! And I know my shoes need polishing. I know I have to do that tonight. I love these shoes they are about 15 years old and juuuuuust holding on......

Tonight I audition for a solo with my chorus. I hate auditioning and hate worse not getting what I audition for. And I hate even MORE going up against my bandmates for one. (We all sing in the same chorus)

I am now home and I am going to go and rip these friggin instruments of torture my hose off and put on jeans.

Have a great night and good morning sunshine. Please send good thoughts at about 630 EST
'Till the morrow

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