Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Another Tree Bites the Dust!

As we eat our meals at the kitchen window we observe some interesting, and sometimes strange happenings in our cul-de-sac.

On Friday evening as we were eating dinner, the corner neighbor guy (CNG) was perching precariously on a step ladder in the near darkness, cutting off the limbs of a perfectly healthy tree in front of his house. I thought it was quite an attractive tree, but Cynthia didn't like it. It was the only tree I've seen that didn't shed its leaves in the fall. They turned brown in the fall but remained on the tree until they were displaced by new leaves in the spring.

Today CNG reappeared with a chain saw and cut down the upper part of the trunk. I managed to catch a shot as it fell. He then trimmed off the remaining branches and recruited his son to haul them into the back yard.

The adjacent neighbor, Love Pink Lady, (LPL) came out to observe -- I think CNG found her little dance steps rather distracting.

Son of CNG attempted to cut down more of the trunk with a pruning saw, and persisted for much longer than I expected, but finally allowed his dad to finish the cut with the chain saw.

OK, it wasn't that exciting, but it was free entertainment, we didn't have to leave the house, and we could enjoy our meal (and drinks) while we watched. The hummers weren't bothered.

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