
By DaveWoolmer

Hazy Cloud View

Spent a lovely day with my better half, going up on Boseley Cloud for some landscape photography - it was lovely to get all of my gear out and about; tripod, filters, etc. Had a lovely evening all together at my parents too.

It was blowing a gale up on the top, but we both came back with some good shots, if I do say so myself. My better half came back with exactly 100, all of which are very very good and some were stunning (far better than most of mine). I only came back with 28 (unusually) as I decided to stick to the 16-35mm all day.

This was one of the later shots in the day. The view was incredibly hazy from all of the cloud and I particularly liked this part due to the water and rocks providing some good foreground interest. I must confess, though, that it was my better half who saw the composition before me.

Post-processing was all done in CS6 today - curves adjustment of the whole image first, then a levels adjustment on the rocks only, then finished with a Silver Efex High Structure (Harsh) layer with the blending mode set to luminosity.

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