
By weewilkie

That irresistible pop !

You know what's happened here. Some wee punter has chucked this to the ground and startled the pigeons, or just chucked it to the ground for the next wee punter along to startle the pigeons. It's irresistible! How could they not jump on it? The poor Edinburgh Pandas' branded milky innards JFK'd across the tarmac!

I'm just back from my first jog in a long time. I'm trying to pick up this good vibe I'm in and let it take me higher. I do feel a bit burst and splattered across the sofa at the moment, right enough. My calves have seized up, probably due to fighting headlong with a wind made of chilled bone barring my progress along the Clydeside. Maybe not the easiest start to getting my fitness back, but a start nevertheless.


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