My Best Efforts - Year 3


Six Days On.........

............from Blipping my Viburnum buds and they are now opening and the perfume is just beginning to be noticeable.

Rather nice on large!

Anni back safely - rang me on her mobile (cell) phone just after 8am. Will no doubt see her later on this week.

My BOUI (useless bits of information) today must be about April Fools Day!

1) In 1962 there was only one TV channel in Sweden, and it broadcast in black and white. On 1 April 1962, the station's technical expert, Kjell Stensson, appeared on the news to announce that, thanks to a new technology, viewers could convert their existing sets to display colour reception. All they had to do was pull a nylon stocking over their TV screen. Stensson proceeded to demonstrate the process.

Thousands of people were taken in. Regular colour broadcasts only commenced in Sweden on April 1 1962.

2) On April 1, 1957 the British news show Panorama broadcast a three-minute segment about a bumper spaghetti harvest in southern Switzerland. The success of the crop was attributed both to an unusually mild winter and to the "virtual disappearance of the spaghetti weevil." The audience heard Richard Dimbleby, the show's highly respected anchor, discussing the details of the spaghetti crop as they watched video footage of a Swiss family pulling pasta off spaghetti trees and placing it into baskets. The segment concluded with the assurance that, "For those who love this dish, there's nothing like real, home-grown spaghetti."

The Swiss Spaghetti Harvest hoax generated an enormous response. Hundreds of people phoned the BBC wanting to know how they could grow their own spaghetti tree. To this query the BBC diplomatically replied, "Place a sprig of spaghetti in a tin of tomato sauce and hope for the best."

To this day the Panorama broadcast remains one of the most famous and popular April Fool's Day hoaxes of all time. It is also believed to be the first time the medium of television was used to stage an April Fool's Day hoax.

A beautiful sunrise but it is very cloudy and grey now though not cold at 49 Deg. F.

Have a good day folks.

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