
Is the question Jack asks when he sees a picture like this.

Because I can is the only answer I can offer. I've always found abstract art interesting and creating abstract pictures just seems to be a natural avenue to explore when working in Photoshop. Taking multiple images and trying to create one seamless single image is a worthwhile challenge in my book.

Anyway, enough of justifying what I do. Neck is still giving me grief. 99.9% of the time it's fine, but when it catches? Ouch, and what is worse with this type of injury is that it undermines your confidence. Luckily I have no more racket sports this week so maybe by Monday, it will be gone. I sure hope so.

Had an interesting chat in the pub on Monday. I simply posed the question 'is it right that we spend vast sums of money keeping a single person alive, often when their quality of life is not going to be that good when that same money could keep hundreds of people alive elsewhere in the world. People who have an entire lifetime ahead of them?'.

From a purely ethical/moral standpoint, it's an emphatic NO for me, and I don't say that lightly as I've been close to the issue. But of course, it is not something we can fix. We do not live in 'one world' and these issues could only ever be resolved if we did.

I will step off the soapbox now. Who wants to go next?

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