Ohhh the Okey Cokey...

Dancing around at the lake today :)

So funny watching this goose lift one foot out of the water, then put it back and lift the other :)

A day off with some lieu time and some owed holiday hours...in which I went to the drs, and then the chemist...to find that a prescription I ordered on the phone two weeks ago had 'got lost' in the electronic system and meant I had to go back and forth between the chemist and the drs (twice)... They eventually spoke to each other and I have to go back tomorrow to collect said prescription grrrr...

Quick lunch and off to the lake, then for a blood test and the day's gone!

Must dash as I'm off out tonight and leading my Bible Study group :)

Over the next few weeks until Easter I am also preparing for and involved in some extra Church activities, so my replies and comments on your journals may be rather tardy. Apologies in advance!

Happy Wednesday folks :)

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