The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Going, going, gone

This shop opened about the time I started work at my regular job, 18 months ago. I thought about applying for a Saturday job, as I felt I knew quite a lot about baby stuff at the time (I'd been a nanny in London the year before). But I decided against it, because I didn't want to work Saturdays, and the shop is very dark! Near the Farmers; Market, but definitely not of it. And now it is closing. Out, brief candle...

It was Eco-Day at school. A man came from Severn Trent water company and told us we should only flush one poo a day, and we should only wee three times. Sounds a bit draconian. I helped children make things from old junk, including loo rolls, which quite possibly we should not be using either, according to Severn Trent. Hmm, I still remember the Greek system of throwing old loo paper in the bin. Lovely, not! I am going there next week (Greece, not the loo) and wonder if it's changed on the islands since 2001, the last time I was there.

There were some fabulous creations, but I did not take pics of any, as it's so ingrained in me not to take photos at school. So, this closing down shop will be the depressing choice instead.

I am wondering now if this tired, achey, fatigued feeling I had so badly for a few days could be linked to the tail end of the African duststorm, combined with pollution, that is is causing a toxic smog in the UK. Some people have definitely been under the weather because of the air quality. I shall probably never know.

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