
When a "periodical" adds, at the bottom of a page the words "we do not endorse any treatments, products or dosages in these articles", you know that it's not even churnalism. You know that the "editor" (yes, I checked, there is one) does no editing. What he does is decides on the lay out. So all these free magazines and papers actually have no one, with any skill, whatsover, working on them.


Or is it? If they have a contributor writing about health and science, should that person not have at least some knowledge of these areas. Fair enough if they are writing about nonebrities or what was on the telly last night...but giving out medical advice?

You know where we're headed and what the transportation will be? Yup that's correct; hell. In a handcart.

I was quite excited when I saw these lights in the window, expecting it to be a new restaurant or funky bar. It's an electricians! I am hoping to be uploading a much more exciting picture tomorrow.

in other news strange pants

more news: on Saturday some mad people are protesting in Edinburgh.

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