In My World

By JoanneInOz

"So what's the news?"....

.....this inquisitive Rainbow Lorikeet seems to be saying, and well he might ask!

This afternoon I had a phone call from John, Raestelle's husband, to give me an update on how Estelle is. She is gradually improving, although slowly, and can now string a few words together. Physically, she has improved to the point that she has even been able to clean out her wardrobe!

John, as you may remember, doesn't spend time on the computer in the way Estelle does, and as he said, he can only type with one finger...however, next week, Estelle will be collecting her new John and I have a plan ~

When Estelle has her glasses, John will phone and I will give him step-by-step instructions on how to upload a photo to blip, he will write what Estelle has asked him to say, and you will all be able to send messages directly to Estelle through her journal.

If there is anyone who would like Estelle's address to write directly to her, via "snail mail", contact me at and I will forward her address to you. John is doing his best with the computer, but he certainly isn't as computer savvy as Estelle has been in the past, and Estelle is thinking of all her friends and wishing to have contact with you all. It is very frustrating for her that she simply isn't managing to do the things she used to be able to do, but you know Estelle is strong, and John, who knows her best of all, believes she will get through this.

Another weekend begins, so have a good one, everyone. :)

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