The Lonely daffodil!

Hi My friends ! We have a nice day with the family of my husband. We went to the football match Wigan and Leeds. We won. 1-0 yupy! Later we went shopping and had a tea with my mother in law and my brother in law in her house in Wigan . We then went to a nice restaurant and had a lovely dinner. After that we drove to Heysham near Lancaster where we are now with another sister in law and niece. We are very tired after driving yesterday for 5 hours and today had a busy day..
Tomorrow we will catch a ferry to Isle of Man from here..
My back is better, still not well at least I could manage to come here. My husband drove half the way and me the other half.
I took some pictures of the match but I am not very happy with them. Nothing interesting so I saw this beautiful daffodil in my mother in law's house and I couldn't ignore it. The nice light come from the window and it was beautiufl there waitning for me to shoot itt. This one is for all of you. Hope you like it as much as I like.There are many around the town everywhere I never saw so many like here , lines of them around the country side too but my husband didn't want to stop the car to let me take a nice picture of hundreds of them.Maybe another time. When we come back from the Isle of Man who knows.

Thanks for the advise about my roses and for the lovely comments about my invasion of ladybirds.
Have a nice time and keep smiling.

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