George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry

Pleeese Play

What's so hard to understand? I only want to play. Can't these C.A.T.S. realise that to play chase is the best play in the whole wide world?

Anyway, THEY went out without me again this afternoon. Good thing I was so jolly tired I slept all the time they were out.

When THEY came home, SHE played with me for AGES, and we played chase with the ball, and SHE threw it and I brought it back again - ever so many times. Then SHE had to have a little sit down.

While that was happening, the C.A.T. (called Rani - silly name), came out, and I thought it was play-time all over again. But it wouldn't play and I was ever so disappointed.

But never mind, my friend Ernie comes back tomorrow - and we can play chase round and round the garden. And tug-of-war, and football, and then more chasing.

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