Mono Monday Gilded

Back to school. Seemed to spend most of today talking to and sharing with anyone and everyone - including my Art class (captive audience, poor things) - my stories and more than 350 photos that hardly do justice to my wonderful week in Florence and now with Blipland folk too as after a week with no internet (a new and sometimes painful experience) I will back-Blip and catch up. I shall work backwards over the last seven magnificent days, but firstly use one of those images for this day that has and will continue to be almost entirely about 'revisiting' the Magnificence that is Florence.

One of many photos taken inside Santa Maria Novella last Friday, this large, carved, gilded and painted wooden cabinet is from inside the Sacristy. "The large wall closet was made in the late 1500s to a design by Bernardo Buontalenti while the carvings and gilding were carried out later by Guerrino Veneziani at the end of 17th century. During the same period Camillo Perini painted scenes of the Annunciation, St. Dominic and St. Thomas Aquinas on the doors." (More here). Too rich for our tastes today, I quite like it in mono and desaturating meant that I could also use it for today's MonoMonday - 'wood' challenge set by TywynSue as well as the April Shakespeare Challenge - Majestic by Chantler63.

"Fortunately" it is my library duty tonight, so I have 180 minutes of confinement, when although I know I should really be writing my Masters dissertation after a week's pause, but well, hey ho, sometimes we have to get our priorities right......:)

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