Spring has Sprung

Grabbing a quick lunch break away from the piles, no mountains of office work on my desk, it was a joy to get into the sunshine. This little ladybird was the first thing I clapped eyes on so I thought, 'Here we go, a blip!'

Ovid was the first poet to tell the story of Narcissus, the Grecian lad who dies of love for his own reflection and was transformed into a flower. Hence the poet's narcissus (Narcissus poeticus) and the many varieties that emerge in the spring.

I did like the light coming through the back of the petals and as they swayed nodding in the breeze they were a lovely sight. My little 7 spot ladybird seemed to be enjoying it just as much as me chasing round the petals with a spring in her step!

Yoga tonight and boy do I need it!

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