
By reminisce

Dreamy day... and some speculation

I spent most of today speculating on a number of things, relaxing looking at pictures that inspire me, thinking of thoughts, watching some holiday spots on TV, and some yoga. All things related to a nice lifestyle that appeal to me. I also got my hair trimmed so it looks more in shape. I lot of times people tend to sit and look at their feet when they think. I like to think and observe how other people think. Sometimes the way people think, challenge or disturb me. I know that it is a personal thing for each, but it still does bother me for a while at least.

I am someone who likes to see things changing often, who likes to do up my home, have bright colors and sunlight, and then finally enjoy the peace of your home with a book and a cup of tea. These are things are often dream of and don't end up doing. The thought of a routine does not appeal to me for I am afraid of boredom. Then again, a good routine is often important for a healthy living. I think and wonder about what that ideal routine would be that I would enjoy. But everyday I wake up and do things in a manner that I wish I did not and then get back to that lifestyle that i would not. I guess even this is getting routine... doing what I think I should not.

I want to break this routine that I do not enjoy, and think of doing things that I do enjoy, so that one day, I shall be able to sit on that park bench when I am old and reminisce about good times, and be happy that I tried doing a lot of things I enjoy in my life time.

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