Kowhai confusion

Spotted on my walk this afternoon, a Kowhai bush in flower. Very confusing as depending on species and location they flower anywhere from late winter through to late spring.

Confused and beautiful large

What else can I tell you about my day. A bit of a shake this morning centred 1.4km from home, then another little rumble a few minutes later.

I biked to St Lukes. Blimey, you have to have your wits around through town. Lots of pot holes, broken bits of road, road cones, reduced lanes, closed roads.... I'll be glad when I can escape to the mountains again in the weekend.

Then a catch up with one of my tramping mates this afternoon. We walked for 1.5 hours my longest walk so far. We kept to the paved surfaces and went up and down 2 decent hills.

A long walk instead of an end of the day fish. I think my foot would be deeply unimpressed if I'd pushed the envelope.

Just another normal day in the life of hpx ;-)

Tomorrow I start with an early appointment at the podiatrist. It will be interesting to see how she thinks my foot mechanics are tracking in the healing process.

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