RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Just Missed

I must be getting a little tired because after a week of shooting hundreds of photos per day (and keeping just shy of 1,400 after deleting 3 or 4 times that many) I could only muster three photos today and two were of this seagull. I carefully lined him up with the rising sun, but right before I squeezed the shutter release he must have decided I needed a different kind of photo and took off down the beach. I was too tired to set up another shot and so settled for this one with the great light on his wings, but not exactly in an ideal position.

Long, tough day today - got to bed at 2:00 am following completion of my final SOB client disc, up way too early thanks to my roommate, had some good volleyball games in the morning, then worked a couple of hours in the hot sun taking down nets before traveling by plane and overnight bus to Zihuatanejo, where I arrived at 5:15 am Friday morning.

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