
By McZoo

Case Presentation Day

Started my morning early with a case presentation. I had to go first - something I never like doing. I feel comfortable presenting, but at the end when people start commenting and asking questions that is the difficult part. I enjoy being in control. When you open something up to your audience you give up some measure of control. That is nerve racking. I feel like the presentation went well, but at the end it got a little messy. Apparently the diagnosis that my attending was so sure of was something most of the other attendings didn't know about.Got a lot of questions that none of my answers were good enough for. Lucky for me the attending I saw the patient with was there for my presentation. She was quite helpful. It was also a nice bonding moment for us. So, all in all it worked out, even if it was quite awkward for me.

Otherwise, my day was quite uneventful.

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