Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

SP!!!!!! Oh NO!

I don't like doing SPs but we have competition rounds at the club later in the year entitled Low light Portrait and also Self Portrait. As the weather is nothing to write home about today, I thought I'd have half an hours play to see if I could get something I'd get close to liking and it covers both titles. None of my shots are brilliant, but, as they go I can cope with this one.

Off then to do some more work on yesterdays images and to test some software out so we can do committee meetings over the web. If that works it will make sorting things out an awful lot easier than several of us travelling 30-50 miles for an hours meeting.

Also have to look at doing my L or some other accreditation I think. After that its some planning for the forthcoming trip up to the lakes - some locations to list as options and do some kind of outline itinerary. It never works quite like that though does it.

After that, I think I'll take the rest of the day off.

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