
We've had a busy morning which you can read about over here. I have to say that visiting the garden at Wimpole after all of the work I have done this week makes me want to cry ;)

They had lambs at Wimpole but I could not get very close, so I popped over to Hildersham this afternoon where a public footpath cuts across a field full of them.
As I walked into the field this little lamb trotted over as bold as brass and stuck his chin up for a stroke! I wandered about for a few minutes and whilst this is not the sharpest shot I got H and Pops liked the fact that it was sticking it's tongue out.

After a while the farmer and his children came over. They mentioned that one of the lambs had been bottle fed and was very tame, it turned out it was the one that had come across to see me. It came back and posed for a few more pictures.

Same lamb, sharper shot
This was my first choice until I noticed a grubby bottom in the corner
Kings of the castle (and a dirty rascal)
I liked the ears


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