The Winter Soldier

Tom and Laura Misch - Follow

Today was recovery, sleep, catching up with a close friend for a yarn or two with a video game session at the local arcade (where the toilet sign is as big as the sign for the shop at the front?!?). It was great times and good to see him progress so well.

On the way home I decided to see Captain America: The Winter Soldier. For whatever reason, I really am starting to love Captain America. The new film was really interesting in that it was a lot more of a political conspiracy theory thriller than a slam bang action / superhero film. I liked the first film a lot since it was dealing with interesting themes about propaganda and politics. The second one was a lot more intriguing and gave a lot more weight in its expression with its politics. I would have preferred more characterization of The Winter Soldier but I guess it had to not get too deep. Although not as deep as say, Syriana, The Ides of March, etc., it may be the "slowest" of the Marvel films from Marvel studios but it's definitely the most pressing in terms of issues surrounding governments and such. Mind you I wouldn't use this film in a politics thesis or anything, but it was definitely a cut above the rest so far this year for me.

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