MIA with the Easter Bunny & The Brunz Queen

I have been thwarted on every turn whilst endeavoring to comment...the first night was a blackout and after a while the only thing left for it was to go to bed.
The next night I was attacked by the Easter Bunny.

I have not been eating chocolate for a while now and thought I would have a little nibble on some bunny ears for a treat...before I knew it I had gobbled him all up and proceded to get a migraine and felt like I needed a bucket.

Tonite whilst practicing some LE down by the river (which was absolutely gorgeous by the way) I got hammered by mozzies and midges....I am so itchy it's ridiculous. I hope I don't end up looking like spotty Muldoon.

BTW I am not complaining I'm just telling it like it is......and if you cannot read it...this little boat is called THE BRUNSWICK QUEEN.

Flynn and I got the Octapod out of its bag today...(in the loungeroom) just to have a look. We sat in it for a while and pretended we were on the water...we watched some You Tube clips on how to blow the bloody thing up....anyway we are so excited...just waiting for the pump and paddles now. I am always wondering why it is such a problem to get things back in the bag they came in?

“Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.”
― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

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