Sleeping Boats & What is Ones Better Half?

I met a photographer down at one of my favorite spots by the river this afternoon.

We talked shop and swapped notes on good spots for shooting and lenses. As the mozzies and midges came out in force he decided to call it a night and go home to his better half.

I have heard that before but I don't know if I really understand it's meaning seems like a really silly thing to say when I think about it.
If one talks about ones better half being outside of ones self ...does that mean that one walks around as a half ......and the worse half at that...and what happens if ones better half wants to join up with someone elses better or worse half?

Just a bit of food for thought.

I have been enjoying waiting for the sun to go down and the stars to come out (except for being a mozzie meal) and I have spied these sleeping boats on many occasions ..under the lamp light and have been meaning to blip them for a while...well I guess tonite was the night for it.

Chocolate now definitely needs to be a thing of the past.......well sugar actually....another bloody thing that needs to go......jeez!

“Start a huge, foolish project, like Noah
…it makes absolutely no difference what people think of you.”
― Rumi (not the dog)

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