Drowned Clock

After a frustrating week of endless meetings, missed deadlines and late nights I was looking forward to escaping work early, and heading out for some nature studies with the camera. I was even more keen having observed that today's theme for Chantler63's Shakespeare Challenge for April was As you Like It, which is all about Nature and Identity and really sums up me and my favourite photographic subjects.

Disappointingly, once I finally managed to leave, around an hour later than planned, it was to persistent rain and dreary conditions, so I headed home instead. However I still felt like taking some photos, so stuck a plastic bag over the camera, waterproof coat over me, and wandered around the garden.

This was a shot of one of the many danelion clocks in my lawn which had been somewhat drowned by the rain, and I rather like the way the stamen are enclosed in raindrops. A close up study is in the Blipper Community Overspill

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