The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Flowering cherry, from the back step

There's one little flowering tree, a type of cherry we believe, that flowers alone on the hillside, near a now-deserted badgers's sett. Perhaps a passing bird pooed a stone and it grew into a tree. Or perhaps a badger planted the seed. We will not know.

I spent the day in bed, recharging my batteries after the first couple of days of work. I'm not ill anymore, but haven't felt inspired to do anything except think and make vague plans for my next holidays! The weather was typical April sunshine and showers. CleanSteve went out on a shoot. Bomble helped me start a jigsaw by sitting on the board and cleaning his claws.

I got up and cooked a delicious supper when CS got back. Unfortunately the chicken was underdone and had to be sent back to the grill, but I hope I didn't eat enough to poison myself. Still some gluten-free rhubarb crumble left over from yesterday. Mmmm. And several hours of Cosi Fan Tutte, live from NY, on the radio.

I am becoming my mother.

PS I almost forgot to say, this is the view from our back step. Which explains why we bought this house. The big house you can see is either Thrupp House or The Thrupp, I cannot remember which. The hamlet is Thrupp, just east of Stroud. The evening light was amazing, and I have not done the sky justice, but I think this composition gives a flavour of spring in the Cotswolds, with the little white cherry tree bottom left. I've blipped it many times before, but ...
today is the first day of the rest of my life.

Or something.

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