
By Nigel


Late on yesterday afternoon an agency called me to see if I was available for a short term contract, with a short notice start date. After telling them I was they managed to arrange an interview for me for 11AM this morning. All the way out near th eairport and I woke up to find even more snow had fallen overnight. Not risking the public transport system to get me there on time I jumped in a taxi. The receptionist was impressed that I'd made it considering half their staff weren't even at work yet and I thought the interview went quite well.

I'd planned to go to the botanics to get some nice picture on film of snow-laden trees and after assembling kit, including a flask and an extra jumper I got myself all the way down there to find they were closing early, I assume due to the earlier weather, total waste of 2 hours, but whilst trudging back up th ehill I got a call to say I had been succesful at the interview so all annoyances went away and an impromtu celebration was undertaken which included the opening of a couple of presents that were for 'the house' so we now have Sky PLayer on the Xbox with Sky Sports so we'll bea bale to watch th efestive Newcastle matches from the comfort of our own sofa.

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