Flooding Again

I didn't have the best of starts this morning ... my internet went down and when I tried to eat breakfast I couldn't swallow and found it hard to breath. The doctor fitted me in and said what I have been saying of the past week of this bug I have had.. its a odd one! All my symptoms say flu but I don't have a temperature or a head cold. The doctor took some swabs and seems to think that my sore throat has gone further down and now I have inflammation of the larynx. She thought it was best to have some liquid antibiotics and the nurse will call me tomorrow to see how thing are going.

This shot was taken on my way home form the doctors. So many street have been closed because of all the flooding and people have had to move out of their homes once again. It rained very heavily over night but has eased now but still raining a little. Here is a blip I did last spring at about the same spot as you can see it looks so different with the buildings gone now. here is another blip I did when the Avon river was up a bit after some rain.. the river is so much higher today. Here is shot I took last month and you can see that green box thing is now under water.

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