Quick Visit!

Jennie & Joe made it in yesterday, although it was a bit of a "winding road" to get from Chicago to Milwaukee. On the website it said there was a metra station inside the airport, and after wandering around following signs for almost an hour & still not locating the train, they decided to take a taxi to the metra station. The taxi driver drove them in a big circle to the other side of the airport, which is where the address for the metra said it was located, only to find they'd closed the branch & you could no longer catch the train there. They ended up having to go to Union Station in downtown Chicago, then caught the metra from there to ride it into Wisconsin. Consequently, they lost a big chunk of Wed. trying to get to where we were picking them up! They'd flown in to get their marriage license, & the courthouse closes at 4 p.m.----since it was about an hour & 15 minute trip to get there from where we'd picked them up, Tom was really flying, trying to get them there before it closed. We got them there with about 20 minutes to spare, & fortunately they were the only ones there, so they were in & out in no time, their license applications all filled out & the fees paid! We went to dinner at the Alehouse, which is one of Jennie's favorite places to eat, & we all had such a good time finishing up plans for the wedding, & just spending time together.
This morning we went to "Chez Jaques" for breakfast, as we'd heard the crepes were wonderful (& they were!). I took the picture of the 2 of them there. Their plane leaves Chicago at 7 p.m., so we've already taken them back to the airport in Chicago. :( ....so hard to see them go, but only 29 days until the wedding, & they'll be back a few days before that! :)

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