The power of SIX

Six. It's starting to feel like the birthdays are flipping round the calendar faster and faster now.

Was it really only a year ago I was battling with icing for his Captain America cake for his 5th party? As usual it seems so long ago and like yesterday at the same time. I suppose so much has happened in that year, it's going to feel warped.

The important thing is that since his 5th birthday, this wee guy is getting happier and happier and happier. He loves his new town (Me: would you like to move back to Edinburgh? Arlo: urgh no, it's noisy. And dirty. And really busy!). He has a brilliant class in school, with pals who really like him. He bombs about in the garden and the street on various vehicles and toys.

All is right in his world and that means that all is right in mine.

I wish there was a way for parents to properly describe the way they feel about their children. If there could be just one word that could be uttered and the whole world's heart would swell with the same feelings of joy and hope and love and protection and excitement. That would be nice wouldn't it?

Right. I'm losing it. Got a ninja turtle cake to make, stop distracting me!

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