
By reminisce

Lotions, Perfumes and Potatoes??

I know that's a weird caption, but it basically means I had various different things on my mind. My Fab India lotion is my favorite this winter, and my Nina Ricci nearly finished. But I shot it for its fancy bottle cap that's shapes like doves. I also enjoyed a famous Bengali breakfast in which potato (here mine have grown horns :)) is the main ingredient, but its basically a mish-mash of various things, and extremely yummy (at least to Bengali's ;)) Its quick and easy to make, quite filling and tasty. its a concoction of boiled rice, boiled potato (of course no Bengali dish is complete without potatoes), sometimes boiled egg and boiled raw papaya, raw green chillies, ghee and salt, with a dash of mustard oil (again a Bengali favorite). All this is mixed together while the rice and potatoes (and other optional veggies) are still steaming hot, and ghee and salt added till the taste is just right. The dish also needs to be consumed quickly while it is still hot. Slurp !!

I've spent most of this long weekend, which was extended further with the Telangana protests In Hyderabad, resting, playing games on Facebook (my latest craze being Word Challenge which is quite addictive) and catching a slight cold. Hyderabad has been chilly since Christmas and the temperatures have dropped to 10-11 deg Celsius. That's not a very cold temperature for most other colder cities and parts of the world, but pretty cold by Hyderabad standards. I don't really have plans today, so plan to rest, take medication and stop the cold from getting worse...

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