A bit of a .............

............ weedy blip today - and in the rain too!!

Dull, overcast and very wet this morning so a quick run out into the front garden at 06.30 to photograph one of the easiest things available ......

I was a bit puzzled by the light reflection in the droplet - went and had a look and realised it's caused by the outside light on the corner of the garage.

A "Mum's Blipmeet" today - off to meet JanetH and her Mum for a bit of lunch at a local garden centre with my Mum ..... be lovely to meet Janet again and to meet her Mum for the first time.

Thank you all very, very much for the lovely things you said about my much-dreaded MonoMonday SP yesterday ...... you are more than kind but I am still basking in the glow :-))

Hope your Tuesday weather is better than ours here.

~ Anni ~

Today is our wedding anniversary - the weather usually mirrors the lovely warm sun we had that day - 6th May 1988 in Soest, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany - but not this year - Himself is at work and I'm blipping weeds in the rain - never imagined THAT would be the case 26 years ago. Lol !!!

NIKON D5200 : f/1.8 : 1/25" : 50mm : ISO 100

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