Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

This Boy

Last night of Scouts tonight for this boy.

The end of a 12 year association for both my kids; Sarah went through Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, David stayed on to Explorers and for the last 2 years has been a Cubs leader.

12 years of camping, trekking, orienteering, caving, coasteering, flying, baking, making, playing, tying, collecting, singing, bag-packing, car-washing and on one occasion having his shoes freeze solid in a tent when it was minus 10 outside. Brilliant, character building memories.

For me, 12 years of driving across town, waiting in car parks and attempting to manouevre the car into inaccessible places. It has been fun.

It is also Sarah's last night at her tutor's so my logistical issues on a Wednesday evening will be over. In fact, when I look back at the years of managing cricket, tennis, swimming, football, Scouts, music lessons, parties and tutors that are now over, I wonder what on earth I will do with my spare time.

And in all that time, John never once knew what on earth the kids were up to - I still get a text on a Wednesday night when he gets in from work, asking where I am. I am sitting in the car waiting outside the Scout hut like I have been every Wednesday evening for the last bloody decade!!!!!

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