
By CoffeePotter

The flowerpots need dusting

A trip into the greenhouse this afternoon (not working you understand, merely inspecting) revealed this rather lovely cobweb which is attached to some flowerpots.

I've had my eye on the cobweb for sometime - and not merely because I'm terrified of spiders. I've tried so many times to catch the cobweb with water droplets on it, and sparkling in the sunshine. As it gets quite warm in there, you have to time it right, so the irrigation has been on, but that the water hasn't yet dried up.

I knew that the water had been on as Nikonabike came into the house a few minutes before, soaking wet. He had entered the greenhouse just as the time slot moved onto WATER THE GREENHOUSE.

I've heard of being hoisted by your own petard, but in this instance he was soaked by his own automatic irrigation system.

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