Paw prints on my Heart

Since you left,
life hasn't been the same,
I ponder at you pictures,
dotted about in pretty frames,
the day you went,
you left your mark,
your beautiful paw prints on my heart,
I wake up,
convinced you are here,
you were the only one,
who was able to stop my tears,
you were the one,
so perfect, so true,
I love you so much,
I'll never forget you,
it's not the same,
with you not by my side,
I have this heartbreaking feeling,
with every tear that I have cried,
I miss you so much,
since you went away,
I know I have my memories,
and forever they will stay,
because the day you went,
you left your little mark,
you beautiful paw prints on my heart!

Thank you so much for all your lovely comments, hearts and stars yesterday. You sent Louis to the top of the spotlight page and he was still there this morning - a fitting tribute to our wonderful little man.

At the moment we feel so empty, and have both cried many tears. We've hardly slept for thinking about him. We went to the vets to collect his collar and tag, but they advised us against seeing him. We asked for the details of the lady who took him to the vets and I spoke to D last night. Whoever hit him, just left him at the side of the road and drove on, but both the vet and the D said that he wouldn't have been aware of anything and think he died instantly. D said his head was facing towards the beach, and asked if we walked him there - of course we did, and we can only think that he had been having one of his mad moments playing and decided to take himself off to the beach.

I've questioned so many times why I hired a dog walker, but as my daughter said, it was much kinder than leaving him locked in the house all day - he was happy, and he enjoyed his walks. Dot his walker used to leave diary notes at the end of each walk and I've been reading them this morning which have made me smile and cry once more, and I want to share those notes here.

His first walk - "he was fine, a bit scared of the other two at first but fine once all sorted and enjoyed his walk. He didn't want to take the treat from me yet, in case I've poisoned it!"

"He was pleased to see me today - let him off his lead and he was brilliant, very good boy"

"He got dirty today sorry! Had mad 5 minutes running in circles, hope worn off by the time you get home"

"Very good today, peaceful and sunny - just him and Jess"

"Had walk up Tye - he was playing with Darcy (6 month puppy) he's knackered now!"

"Just him and Jess today so we walked up the road and along the track past the horses and fields - lovely - he was playing with a stick"

"All fine - just him and Jess today (peaceful!) "

"Sorry he is so filthy - hope he is better when you come home, he had a great play though"

"Nice and dry today - took his coat but didn't need it to wear it, so sorry about Friday - he was rolling about with Elvis - also small, white and furry!"

"Nothing to report - no rain, just muddy feet"

"Paddled in puddles again - but no rain"

Thanks again for your comments, there are too many to reply to individually, but I'll try and catch up with you soon, and hope you have a good weekend xx

I've just noticed that Louis was my blip this time last year

Since writing this we have had flowers left outside our door and a card put through our letter box from Dot. She's written some lovely words and apologised for the tragic accident. How can I blame her? She must be feeling pretty low herself....

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