Life is like a river

By Gunnlaug

"Walk together" for cancer research

I started the day by participating in the annual Mothers Day-walk with "Göngum saman/Walk Together" (a breast cancer research charity here in Iceland).
Agnes and Elfa from the photography club walked too and it was a nice beginning of the day.

Daníel began working on the damaged roof and all afternoon he was like a dirty "Demolition Man" with a crowbar, saw and other necessary tools, covered in dust and muck. I just hope it doesn't end up like this ;), just kidding.

I tried my best to be mentally supportive, since there's not much I can do while my hand is getting better. I managed to make dinner though (and actually cut most of the vegetables myself - yay me!) and my mother joined us after her long trip from Ísafjörður.

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