
We've had mizzle all day long, and I didn't want to go outside. What's mizzle, you ask? It's a cold combination of mist and drizzle, not the best conditions for walking in the park or for blipping, but we went anyway. I did go back to the tree where I took yesterday's blip and checked out the twine I had wondered about. I still have no idea why it is there, but it is firmly tied to branches near the top of the tree, way above my head, and connected to a low branch. Why someone would go to that trouble, or how long it has been there, is still a mystery.

This lady cardinal didn't seem to mind the mizzle. I took several pictures of her, and my granddaughter, who came over with her mom and brother to spend New Year's Eve, wanted me to post this one because it looks as if she is about to take off. While we were in the park, we fed Rascaletta. She is looking good and is now usually hanging around with other deer. That's a hopeful sign for her survival.

Happy New Year to all you Blippers. Have a wonderful holiday. I'm off downstairs to play Monopoly.

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